Ascension Symptoms Flush (English)

Begründerin: Mariah Windsong-Couture

Skript derzeit nur in englischer Sprache erhältlich. Wunderbares System, um "Aufstiegssymptome" zu lindern.

Ascension Symptom Flush has arrived to humans and all in body beings, to ease the transition and pressure often felt as Earth travels in new areas of space and physical bodies adjust to being in the presence of a new quality of light vibration. Divinity emerges from within the hologram of this reality, instead of simply arriving from without.

When you are beckoned, from within and without to "enlighten" and shift the speed with which the atoms in our cells spin, to be in sync with the energy that the Earth is bathed in, it can be uncomfortable. Ascension Symptom Flush helps your body to drop away the "static" or non-moving energy that resists adapting to the divine upgrades that beckon to be embodied. In this way, the internal pressure and restlessness can subside.

Ascension Symptoms Flush has been known to and may assist with, but is not limited to, nor promised to ease:


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