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Prerequisite: White Light Self-Expansion Level 1: The Clearing
In the attunement of the 2nd degree of WhiteLight Self-Empowerment™ the focus is concentrated on the opening of your chakras.
At the same time they are healed and activated, cleared up, and enlarged. Here your aura is also included in this process.
You learn the following in the 2nd degree:
You also receive another attunement.
Please work with the meditation of this degree for at least 1-5 days before you learn the 3rd degree.
Distance-attunement: having taken a course in a similar energy system is expected (for example Reiki Level 1)
Note: The participation in the seminar is voluntary. The student also therefore takes the full responsibility for him or herself, and for his or her actions during the seminar and thereafter. The seminar doesn't replace a doctor, non-medical practitioner and/or comparable orientated education!
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