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by Daniela Hills
The WhiteLight Self-Empowerment™ system uses the symbol of a white, crystal-clear, radiant energy orb. And it is perfect for distance healing, spiritual healing, and it is similar to a reiki attunement but has a higher vibrational frequency.
More about this System:
WhiteLight Self-Empowerment™ helps to open chakras, helps to clear, to enlarge, to cure, to energize, and connect the chakras. It clears our physical body right down to every cell, and it clears our entire ethereal body too.
When you work with it, your vibration increases so that you can come into contact with your higher-self, your spiritual guides, and other higher information sources. My experience is that when you work with this system you will become very clear in your thoughts and feelings, and your intuition is sharpened, which is good for distance healing, and spiritual healing.
WhiteLight Self-Empowerment™ can be directly learned in a seminar without being attuned in another healing system.
For distance attunments, however, is urgently recommend that the student has learned at least the 1st degree in another Reiki system.
One receives as much clarification and energy during the attunement as is needed for the individual at the moment. The more you work with it the stronger the energy will become.
This System is easy to learn! WhiteLight Self-Empowerment™ splits up in four degrees:
Yes, it is perfect for distance healing, spiritual healing, and it is similar to a reiki attunement but has a different vibrational frequency.
The first Level - The Expansion:
Here knowledge about aura and Chakras is required, because in the first degree the focus of WhiteLight Self-Empowerment™ is concentrated on the clarification of chakras, and aura body clearing.
During the attunement you receive the first clearing.
You will learn a very simple meditation to clear and activate daily your chakras and aura.
Please work with the meditation of the 1st degree for at least 1-5 days before you learn the 2nd degree.
Distance-attunement: having taken a course in a similar energy system is expected (for example Reiki Level 1)
Level 2 - The Healing:
In the attunement of the 2nd degree of WhiteLight Self-Empowerment™ the focus is concentrated on the opening of your chakras.
At the same time they are healed and activated, cleared up, and enlarged. Here your aura is also included in this process.
You will learn the following in the 2nd degree:
You also receive another attunement.
Level 3 - The Expansion:
In this degree further chakras are opened, and activated, and the energy is extended further, and increased.
You learn the following in the 3rd degree:
Level 4 - Master/ Teacher:
Here you learn the attunement techniques. And a teacher attunement is also included. In this degree further chakras are opened, and activated, and the energy is extended further, and increased.
The 4th level allows you to teach WhiteLight Self-Empowerment™. For this course there are a few guidelines to observe.
You will also receive another attunement.
Note: The participation in the seminar is voluntary. The student also therefore takes the full responsibility for him or herself, and for his or her actions during the seminar and thereafter. The seminar doesn't replace a doctor, non-medical practitioner and/or comparable orientated education!
I will register you for all levels at Daniela Hill's page: . You will get a password for the entry to the manuals on this page.
Attention: WhiteLight Self-Empowerment™ will only be trained by teachers who are registered at