Products description
Founder: Hari Andri Winarso
Magickal Meta-Luck Empowerment was channeled and created to assist you attract incredible luck, and makes you be blessed and surrounded by a great luck. You will find opportunity wherever and whenever you are, then encourage you to take and realize the opportunity -- Even it is most impossible opportunity in your life.
Magickal Meta-Luck Empowerment will also assist to beyond your self-limitations, overcome and remove the most difficult obstacles, and helps to defeat the most unbeatable opponents -- So, you can achieve amazing success of all aspects of your life in a relative short time.
By practice this Magickal Meta-Luck Empowerment, Whatever you need or desire, an ideal opportunities will spontaneously present themselves, opening new paths to wherever you wish to go to realizing your desire.
1 distant attunement, 1 pdf manual
Lineage: Hari Andri Winarso, Manuela Marx