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Founder: Christopher Jelm
In depth, multi-level clearing techniques for supporting you in having the full force of Light in your Life
Course Information
Clearing, healing, activation and manifestation are the four general areas of personal development. The clearing of our energy fields is a vital part of our personal transformation and ascension process. Lightarian Clearing? provides unique, effective methods for the complete releasing of undesired programming, limiting belief structures and adverse mental- emotional-physical stored energy patterns.
Lightarian Clearing is a series of six unique, simple and effective energetic activations, divinely inspired by Ascended Master El Morya. It is designed to dramatically create an extraordinary acceleration along your spiritual path, as you prepare yourself for higher levels of service for the coming times.
Over time, the six Lightarian Clearing Attunements gently and fully release these forms of adverse energies.
And over time, as adverse energies are cleared, these kinds of experiences begin to show up naturally in your life
Level 1 Lightarian Path Clearing
Each individual comes into this incarnation with his own unique " limiting path construct" that defines the boundaries and obstacles for the incarnation experience. This "construct" provides the framework for the challenging life scenarios needed to be experienced.Within this "construct we generate an extraordinarily complex interwoven fabric of limiting programs, restrictive belief structures and their associated adverse mental, emotional and physical stored energies. The vast majority of all of our adverse etheric pattern are stored in the interwoven fabric or "tapestry" within our chakras and subtle bodies. To facilitate our clearing work , we use thr term "shadow Tapestry" to define all the adverse energetic elements that blocks us as we move along our spiritual path. So as we clear the path via our Level 1 -Lightarian Path Clearing, we are simply releasing the "Shadow Tapestry" !
The cost of the Lightarian course includes registration with the Lightarian Institute as a Lightarian Facilitator/teacher. Immediately following your attunements and training for a particular level, you will receive the appropriate Master Certificate.