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Founder: Barton Wendel
Prerequisites: Reiki Master Level
What Is Imara Reiki?
Imara is a mode of Reiki that vibrates on a higher energy level than most common Reiki traditions. You must be a Reiki Master already attuned to Traditional Usui Reiki to experience the full benefits of Imara Reiki.
Many practitioners refer to Imara as a level 5, with the three levels of Usui being 1, 2, and 3. But keep in mind the experience will be different for each individual. Some have described Imara Reiki as being much greater vibrationally than any other healing modality they have worked with.
Imara is intense energy. It feels slightly different, and as such:
• Imara dos not use symbols
• Imara uses a different but easier way to pass attunements
• Imara specializes in healing past life issues
• Imara works well in healing repressed issues
• Imara can heal areas of life that lie in the unconscious, but still affect you
• Imara uses a strongly simple but intense distance healing procedure
• Imara uses quite often experience visions of spirit guides/angels, etc
• Imara sessions quite often induce visions and messages from the spirit world
Barton Wendel first channeled Imara. He and his brother Geoffrey refined Imara into its current state that we learn here today.
Imara means “more”….referring to the higher energy vibration that it gives off, hence more Reiki!
Once a person is attuned to Imara Reiki, it is easier to tap into than Usui, Tibetan Usui, Tera Mai, or Karuna Reiki…but you must be a Reiki Master of one of these or a similar tradition before receiving the full benefits of Imara.
Once you are a Master, be certain that the individuals who come to you to be attuned are prepared to be an Imara Master. Some aren’t ready to receive this intense energy. Like all healing energies, Imara is sacred.
There should be a minimum of 30 days between the traditional USUI Reiki Master attunement and the Imara Reiki Attunement. Otherwise, one may feel a bit overwhelmed for a while afterwards while assimilating the new energy.