Products description
Founder: Hari Andri Winarso
Divine Hand Empowerment is a great empowerment that has a strong connection with the Divine energy. It was channeled and created to makes you become a facilitator of Divine Healing Energy.
You will have an ability to heals any physical diseases and restores all parts of the body to their optimal functions, such as: Cells regeneration, blood-flow, immune system, vitality, etc. You can use it to heals mental trauma or disorders, and also helps to heal the emotional wounds, emotional pain, and removes any negative emotions.
Divine Hand Empowerment may also effective to heal metaphysical diseases, and excellent to heals any diseases from black magick attacks or psychic attacks.
You will be able to brings multidimensional healing to yourself and others by touching any part of body with your hands. But it is also works well and excellent for distance healing.
1 distant attunement, 1 pdf manual
Lineage: Hari Andri Winarso, Manuela Marx