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Founder: Hari Andri Winarso
Effective Integrator of energy at any level, it heightens the energetic impulse of healing energies and is a very efficient vibrational healer. It is helpful for therapists and counselors as it filters energy from client and at same time supports their energy field during emotional release and confrontation with the darker aspects of psyche. It gives protection against psychic attack. It can be used in past life healing to draw off disease from past and promote insights into events of past lives affecting present. Illuminator for the Soul - Promotes spiritual growth. Cleanses and energizes Aura. Aids in Astral travel, scrying and channeling. Breaks down barriers to spiritual progress. Helpful for cronic conditions, impotence and infertility. Excellent for exhaustion, respiratory tract, brochittis, tyroid, parasites, regeneration in cells, and repairing torn tissues.