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by Manuela Marx
This energy (BRS) detects energetic turbulences (blockages) related to a specific (selected) topic in our energy field self-intelligently. Once the blockage is detected, the energy instantly corrects/transforms these weakening turbulences into strengthening or neutral energy.
Thoughts that we consciously or subconsciously think relating to a specific topic can weaken our energy system. Often, these weaknesses are created after we were already confronted with these concepts/thoughts before and somehow disagreed on some level with what was going on – for various reasons. This created an energetic turbulence in our energy field (resembling a knot or an “entanglement”) which can always weaken us whenever this concept/thought is activated or addressed in our life.
The energies cannot move as freely in those areas as they should. When the blockage/entanglement is cleared, our wishes (see: Examples for setting a goal) can manifest much easier.
Energetic Blockages can be connected to a wide variety of concepts.For more detail see manual.
1 attunement.