Products description
Founder: Linda Colibert/Daelyn Wolf
The Rainbow Bridge Reiki system connects you quickly to spirit, and to the energies of the Rainbow Bridge. When your pet or animal friend crosses over, they wait for you in a special loving area where they are happy and filled with love and joy. The Rainbow Bridge is a bridge between the worlds that connects you with your animal friends on the other side. It is an etheric rainbow colored bridge made of pure light energy. It allows you to communicate and connect with your animal friends that have crossed over.
It can be very comforting to be able to communicate and know they are happy and okay. Also, your pet may have some guidance for you and using the Rainbow Bridge to connect with them is a quick and easy way to receive any messages or guidance your animal friend may have for you.
1 Audio attunement file (mp3) length approx. 5,5 min., 1 pdf manual, 1 pdf description for audio attunements.
Lineage: Daelyn Wolf, Manuela Marx
This audio file (and all other AUDIO attunements by Ole Gabrielsen, Linda Colibert/ Daelyn Wolf or Manuela Marx) may not be sold or given away to other parties and are not allowed to be exchanged for other systems in any way!! The attunement may only be passed on to others in the regular way desribed in the manual (regular attunement or Chi-ball method).