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by Hari Andri Winarso
Dragon White Wing brings the sky to Earth. It strenghtens all chakras, meridians, and subtle bodies. It elevates chakras and can facilitate attunement between physical and higher planes of existence. It can bring any and all energies to higher level.
It is excellent for bringing communication skills to emotional issues, creativity, and intuition, while allowing the application of love. It is great for spiritual attunement, for healing, and for cleansing of the energy systems as well as the physical body. It provides protection. It can be used against environmental pollutants too.
It can be used for attunement between the physical plane and spiritual world. It is valuable for grounding and can help you when you lose touch with the conscious mind during meditations.
Dragon White Wing is a healer of the spirit, providing soothing energy and bringing peace of mind. It has also been known to guide one through the unknown protecting while promoting ones independence in action. It is held in high esteem for both its physical and spiritual properties , as well as being known for a bestower of goodness. It brings balance and clarity. It increases psychic abilities and can help develop one's natural powers. It assists in communication skills, oral and written. It enduces wisdom, understanding, enhances trust and kindness, and helps one recognize beauty and more.
You will receive one chi ball attunement and manual.
Certificate and lineage provided upon request.